We are a peer-funded non-profit that is ran by a Veteran who fell deep back into Warrior Readiness. Sergeant First Class Samuel Allen fought 46 months in Afghanistan and Iraq and lost a total of 61 teammates. When he came home, PTSD sunk him into addiction and depression. Thanks to God and his fellow brothers from Behind The Veil Inc with John Burns, he was able to climb out. Samuel is now certain that the answer to veterans who are struggling with PTSD is to fight their loneliness with a team of fellow veterans beside them. He is also a firm believer that hopelessness is best fought with faith.
"War changed me. The warrior in me fought that change with drugs and alcohol. I became a hamster in the cage. To serve a cause greater than myself is how Christ began to overcome my trauma. I had to go back to the drawing board. Foundations were missing from my life. I am no better or no worse than the buddy I fought beside. We needed each other then, and now we really need each other." -Samuel Allen
We are attacking the silence in veterans suicide, and if anyone has tried it we aren’t touching it. Awareness has passed. It is time for action.
Warriors need those they protected praying for courage in their lives. We demonstrated a desire to serve great causes in defense of our country. Now we need prayer to introduce people to the most misunderstood rabbi in human history. Religion has hijacked his word and leans on their own understanding. Faith in God is about learning to love unconditionally: "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
The greatest model for navigating peace is to never travel alone. We must get better at the buddy system again. We need a network of willing warriors who will travel to a fellow veterans home in crisis and joy. We alone can help stop veteran suicide! Our warrior brothers need us making them our priority again! Make yourself available to a veteran in your neighborhood. Time to nip this in the bud, one profession of brotherhood at a time.